New Thing #144: Community Service In Allston

BeautificationEvery year my school has a Community Service Day. It's a great event - every student and adult in the school is involved in some community service activity on a Friday in late May.

This is the third year, I think, that we've done it.

And this year, for the first time, I went to an off-campus site.

I was assigned, with another teacher and five students, to help out at the Boys and Girls Club in Allston, Massachusetts.

I was curious how I would be able to help, because the only thing I knew about our work there was that we would be doing a little planting around the building and maybe some clean-up.

Clean-up I could handle. Planting? Not so much.

So when our liaison there asked who'd be interested in planting and my co-worker jumped at the opportunity...I wasn't disappointed to be handling the indoor activities. (The picture you see above is the result of his handiwork.)

I helped the indoor students inventory some sports equipment and re-organize some library books. Probably more my speed.

As for the Boys and Girls Club - it's a great facility, and they do great work there.

You know they do a good job of selling what they do when you leave there wanting to do more.

Which, I guess, is the point with Community Service Day.